Shopping for materials

Material Handling Equipment

Material handling equipment (MHE) is a broad category encompassing different types of mechanical equipment used to handle, store, control, and protect material throughout the processes in its life cycle from production and distribution processes to consumption and disposal processes.  There are several different categories of equipment underneath the MHE umbrella. Transport equipment is used to…

Tuffman Parts

Tuffman Conveyor Systems

What Are Conveyor Systems? No matter what facility you’re working in, you know that a crucial part of the operation involves material handling: manufacturing, movement, sorting, processing, and disposal. Typically, these processes are handled by a variety of conveyors, and although most conveyors can be used as standalone equipment, they are more powerful when they’re…

Tuffman Equipment

New Tuffman® Mini Sorting Systems Released

Tuffman® Equipment is excited to release our newly redesigned 3 and 4 man mini sorting systems. Our latest designs utilize heavier materials, better components, and utilize the latest in manufacturing technology to give you the BEST small sorting station available on the market. Tuffman mini sorting systems start with 11 ga. steel that is precision…


The Benefits of Paper Recycling

One of the most common forms of municipal solid waste (MSW) recycling is paper recycling. Paper is a commonly used resource in the U.S. and recycling this material can significantly benefit the environment. Each ton of recycled paper can save 7,000 gallons of water, 3.5 cubic yards of landfill space, 17 thirty-foot trees and 4,100 kWh…